Are you an
author in search of a publisher or agent? Are you an agent or publisher looking
for new talent? might be for you.
What better place for all these people to meet than a local independent
bookstore? and after-words
are partnering to host “Bring it Back to the Bookstore.”
This free
event will include complimentary drinks, snacks and a raffle. Festivities will
being at 6:30pm, 23 E. Illinois St. and after-words hope this will be a great way to the end of
the first day of the Book Expo, finally back in Chicago. is an online platform for
queries, manuscript submissions and acquisitions discovery geared to benefit
writers, agents, and publishers in equal measure. Through modern technology, the company aims
to aid the publishing world’s nuanced challenges faced during discover,
acquisition and content management.
More details: Facebook event
I am thinking of booking a spacious venue for summer holiday party. Preferring a garden or other outdoor Chicago event space for the party. Really want to host a flawless, perfect and memorable party for all.