After Hours magazine release July 8th 2-4pm

In the after-words event space, July 8th, 2-4pm.  Help us celebrate the release of After Hours #36, the Summer 2018 issue. Featured reader (and featured writer in #36) is Chicago Poet, Marty McConnell.

Please note that the open mic segment is reserved for past and present After Hours contributors ONLY. Copies of the latest After Hours, as well as back issues, will be available.

Featured reader Marty McConnell's forthcoming second poetry collection, when they say you can't go home again, what they mean is you were never there, won the 2017 Michael Waters Poetry Prize, and her work has recently appeared in Best American Poetry, Vinyl, Southern Humanities Review, Gulf Coast, and Mid-American Review. She is co-founder and editor of underbelly, an online magazine focused on the art and magic of poetry revision. Her first full-length, award-winning collection, wine for a shotgun, was published by EM Press, and her first non-fiction book, Gathering Voices: Creating a Community-Based Poetry Workshop, is forthcoming in 2018 on YesYes Books. She is also a seven-time National Poetry Slam team member, the 2012 National Underground Poetry Individual Competition (NUPIC) Champion, and appeared twice on HBO's "Def Poetry Jam."