April 9th 4-7 Poetry Slam with WORLDOFi

after-words bookstore is pleased to welcome the members of the creative arts collective WORLDOFi as our co-hosts for a poetry slam/open mic competition.

Sunday, April 9st.  The competition will start at 4pm.  We will announce the winner at 7pm.

WORLDOFi is a creative arts company that aims to provide underground artists from all backgrounds with a platform to propel themselves forward in their careers.  The collective includes poets, writers, visual artists, clothing designers, and musicians.

WORLDOFi is dedicated to integrating communities and enriching culture by spreading art from city to city around the world. 

WORLDOFi’s clothing line is designed by the co-founder of the company. It is used to lift the spirits while also informing the community of the injustices in society. With art being one of the leading forces in social activism, WORLDOFi hopes to propel the fight for equality.

WORLDOFi was established in Chicago and has executive and artist representation in Chicago and Miami. 

We welcome you to join us for a display of both visual art and the performances of local poets. 
Or, if you want to sign up to perform yourself, we would love to hear you.  Slam participant sign-up will be on a first-come first-served basis.  The winner(s) of the competition will receive exclusive WORLDOFi apparel.

There will also be a silent auction of one of the pieces on display during the slam.
All proceeds from this event will be donated to the National MS Society.


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