Sorry for the delay, but we finally have a date for our soft reopening. We will see you on March 9th between the hours of 10:30 am and 10 pm. From that point forward we will be returning to our regular store hours as listed on our website.
The reason this is a "soft" reopening is that we still have some work to do on the upper level, so you will still see some piles of boxes, and empty walls. Sadly, it is all the children's books and so our younger readers will have to wait a little bit longer. Our basement is finished and about 90% of our books are available for perusal.
The coffee bar is not in place yet either. We hope to update you before the end of the month on that front.
Lastly, we are ready to sell you books, but we are not ready to buy yours quite yet. We have some work to as you will see, so we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Thanks for all of your support during the past month as we have been getting ourselves organized. To those of you who helped us during this process, a thousand thank yous. We could not have done it without you.